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Policy Database

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HomeResourcesPolicy Database

This policy database provides an overview of various policy instruments around the globe that have been implemented to address nutrient pollution.  The database includes a wide range of policies that decision-makers can reference when considering options and approaches to reduce nutrient losses and can be searched by policy category, policy type, region, country and/or sector. Policies are categorized as follows (policy taxonomy borrowed from Greenhalgh & Selman 2014 ): 

  • + Environmental outreach & education—including environmental education; public awareness; and technical assistance.
  • + Regulatory approaches—including environmental bans & restrictions; environmental standards; environmental caps & limits; and regulatory frameworks.
  • + Priced-based instruments – including taxes, fees and levies; tax credits & rebates; subsidies, grants & incentive payments; low-interest loans; and income support.
  • + Market-based instruments—including environmental markets (regulated and voluntary); auctions & tenders; and ecolabeling.
  • + Ecosystem preservation and restoration—including ecosystem restoration; protected areas; land purchases; covenants and easements; and stewardship agreements.
  • + Institution and capacity—including institutional capacity; transparency & accountability; bridging Institutions; partnerships; and frameworks & guidance. 
  • + Research, monitoring, and evaluation—including research; monitoring; evaluation; and biophysical models.

Read more about the Policy Database and the different categories.