This is a collection of project initiatives the GPNM, its partners and the wider global community has been engaged with and/or under active implementation. This is not intended to be an exhaustive showcase of projects from across the globe but rather an attempt to highlight those initiatives of significant scale of influence and impact in addressing the nutrient challenge. More detailed information will be provided on GPNM projects on this site; readers may however referred to project website for external projects. Do you have a project that you wish to be featured on the GPNM Portal? Contact us at
The overall goal of the IOC HAB Programme is to foster the effective management of, and scientific research on, harmful algal blooms in order to understand their causes, predict their occurrences, and mitigate their effects
At the moment the International Nitrogen Management System (INMS)' is a project proposal to the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Trust Fund.
The project is designed “to provide the foundations (including partnerships, information, tools and policy mechanisms) for governments and other stakeholders to initiate comprehensive, effective and sustained programmes addressing nutrient over-en
‘’A demonstration project aimed at tackling solid and liquid waste pollution, particularly from wastewater and nutrients, across the County of Vihiga’’