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The Impact of BMPs on Downstream Systems: Soil Loss and Nutrient Chemistry Flux to Conesus Lake

Name: The Impact of Agricultural Best Management Practices (BMPs) on Downstream Systems: Soil Loss and Nutrient Chemistry Flux to Conesus Lake, New York, USA

Location/Terrain: Conesus Lake, NY, USA

Crop(s): Dairy and row crops

Nutrient(s): Total phosphorus (TP), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), nitrate (NO3), total Kjedahl nitrogen (TKN) and total suspended solids (TSS)

Rationale: Prevention of nonpoint source pollution (NPSP)

Winter Application of Manure on an Agricultural Watershed and its Impact on Downstream Nutrient Fluxes

Name: Winter Application of Manure on an Agricultural Watershed and its Impact on Downstream Nutrient Fluxes

Location/Terrain: Conesus Lake, NY, USA

Crop(s): Dairy cows and row crops including corn and beans

Nutrient(s): Total phosphorus (TP), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) and nitrate (NO3)

Rationale: Nutrient and soil loss from watersheds

Hungary - Reduction of Nutrient Discharges

Name: Hungary: Reduction of Nutrient Discharges

Location/Terrain: Hungary at the North Budapest Wastewater Treatment Plant (NBWWTP) and in the Gemenc and Beda-Karapancsa areas of the Danube-Drava National Park (DDNP)

Crop(s): Livestock and wetlands restoration

Nutrient(s): Nitrogen and/or phosphorous

Rationale: Reduce eutrophication caused by the enrichment of water by nutrients, especially compounds of nitrogen and/or phosphorous; reduce nutrient discharges into the Danube River that originate from untreated communal wastewaters from Budapest.

Danube River Basin - Boosting Capacities for Nutrient Reduction and Transboundary Co-Operation

Name: Danube River Basin: Boosting Capacities for Nutrient Reduction and Transboundary Co-Operation

Location/Terrain: Danube River Basin (17 countries)

Crop(s): Various crops and livestock production

Nutrient(s): Nitrogen and phosphorous

Rationale: Nitrogen and phosphorus levels from agriculture, municipal and industrial sources have seriously degraded the Black Sea ecosystem.

Croatia- Agricultural Pollution Control Project

Name: Croatia: Agricultural Pollution Control Project

Location/Terrain: Croatia: Danube River basin

Crop(s): Various crops and livestock

Nutrient(s): Nutrient overloading from fertilizers, especially nitrates

Rationale: Reduce nutrient discharge from agricultural source to surface and ground water bodies.

Nutrient Expert (NE) Improves Grain, Profitability and Efficiency for Maize

Name: Nutrient Expert (NE) Improves Grain, Profitability and Efficiency for Maize

Location/Terrain: North China

Crop(s): Maize

Nutrient(s): N, P and K

Rationale: A new fertilizer recommendation method based on yield response and agronomic efficiency for hybrid maize, Nutrient Expert (NE), was tested to increase yields and optimize profits.
