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Preliminary Evaluation Report for MOOC ENV002: From Source to Sea to Sustainability: Integrated Cycles in Wastewater and Nutrient Management

HomePreliminary Evaluation Report for MOOC ENV002: From Source to Sea to Sustainability: Integrated Cycles in Wastewater and Nutrient Management
HomePreliminary Evaluation Report for MOOC ENV002: From Source to Sea to Sustainability: Integrated Cycles in Wastewater and Nutrient Management

 Creating a well-designed MOOC is an interdisciplinary effort emanating from several specialities and input from various disciplines. Evaluating a MOOC also requires utilising various analytics such as descriptive, diagnostic, as well as predictive analytics to inspect the plethora of information arising from learners’ interactions with each other, with the system, with the content, to improve course design, user experience, satisfaction and course effectiveness. The data of this report are based on registration information from the EdX Platform, results of the online survey questionnaires delivered to all participants at the end of the course, predictive multivariate statistical analytics based on the survey data obtained, Google Analytics reports, as well as qualitative, open-ended comments from participants and report from the ISS officer responsible for help desk email correspondences.